Friday, May 2

Whole30 Week 1

So after years of fighting with my weight again (since I broke my foot prior to the 2012 marathon) I've decided to try a completely different attempt at eating to see if I can shed some pounds.  I've been training for a marathon and doing cross fit 3x a week - I haven't gained weight since Christmas, but I definitely have not lost any of the pounds I put on at my holiday vacation.
So while I usually ignore the paleo eating challenges at my cross fit gym I decided to partake in the Whole30 and Summer Fit series we are doing.  They gym did 6 weeks, but due to the marathon and not wanting to screw up my eating before hand I opted only to do the final 4 weeks.
So here I am at the end of week 1 and I figured I should write down how I'm feeling and what not so that I can look back at the end of this and see how I am doing.
To start I was exhausted from the marathon - physically spent because of a really tough and hot day.  I felt sick from the race on sunday and extremely dehydrated.  I tried to enjoy a fun last meal but didn't so much.  I started the diet first thing Monday morning.  Because of all of this, I can't tell if I am tired from the lack of sleep I've had finishing up school the week and from the marathon or if I am tired from the change in eating and lack of carbs.  It's been a tough week to start a carb free, dairy free, sweet free, and soda free diet.  I've had a challenge everyday this week and I have successfully gotten through each of them!  It's been tough but I feel committed to stick this out and see if I can do something about the sticking weight.  
Things I have noticed this week: I drank a lot of weekend over the weekend and I am finally washing that all out.  This makes me feel less bloated.  I am also feeling less bloated in general which makes me think that maybe not filling myself full of carbs is keeping me from being bloated - a problem I always seem to have.  I've also noticed that I am not feeling the need to eat that much at lunch and dinner, I am fine with my first plate full most of the time.  Fruit also tastes pretty sweet, especially the grapes I have been eating.  I have been really tired and haven't drank coffee since black is gross, hoping some sleep this weekend helps that.  Outside of that and tired quads from the race I feel no really effects yet.

This weeks menu
Monday: 2 hard boiled eggs, apple; salad; zoodles, meat sauce, meatballs
Tuesday: sausage and sweet potato hash; chicken salad on lettuce; chicken salad on lettuce
Wednesday: sausage and sweet potato hash; chicken, asparagus, spinach, salad; chicken, zucchini, butternut squash
Thursday: egg salad, apple; fajitia meat; cottage pie
Friday: egg salad, grapes; cottage pie; salad

Starting weight (4/19/14): 159


Ashley said...

No marathon race report for us?? :)

Congrats on the marathon and on getting through Week 1 of the Whole30! I just finished Week 3 and, while the cravings etc have subsided a lot, I am now really questioning the benefits, as I tanked at a 5k this week and my allergies are flaring like crazy. I will admit that I've reaped some big digestive benefits - way less bloating, gas, inflammation etc. Hope you get the results you are looking for!

KT with daisies said...

Working on a race report now!!!